Love the Journey, and You Will Win

As humans we can not be eternally motivated and we do not have an infinite amount of willpower, that is just the way we are. So to wake up some days and feel not bothered or motivated is very normal. This is where creating a great environment is essential if you are working towards a particular goal.

‘You do not rise to the level of our goals. You fall to the level of your systems’
James Clear- Atomic Habits

A goal is great. But the system you have in place to reach your goal is much more important. Otherwise when things don’t go to plan or when you are not feeling motivated you will most likely stop…. and therefore your goal is redundant.

Your goal for example may be to run a marathon. It is highly unlikely that you will be able to just turn up and reach your end goal without putting in the hours of training before hand i.e. having a process to get you there and across that finish line. The most likely outcome of having no plan in your quest to run a marathon is that you will not even cross the start line…let alone the finish one.

‘Be more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results’
James Clear -Atomic Habits

What are you doing today to get to where you want to be? To reach your goal you have to fall in love with and trust the process, not just focus on the product or end goal. This in my opinion is where the real magic happens because it is common for people to revert to old habits once they reach their goal. You can in fact over focus on your end goal.   

Think about this... If you ignored your goal completely but focused on your system what might your end result look like? I reckon the same but you may even surpass your initial goal because the different components of your system will become habits. These habits will outlive any goal or even better evolve with your ever changing goal and travel with you for your lifetime.

Goals are useful to determine what you want but they alone are not a sufficient way to get the outcome that you want.

You have to learn to love the journey, the becoming and the growing that you have to do to actively do these small habits every single day to become the woman you want to be.

You have your goal, you have your system (an Empowered Movement Course 😉 ), you have your support and likeminded people around you (Facebook group, WhatsApp group, coach, I would encourage you to delve further into this in your own personal life too) and this is why if you show up and do the work, YOU WILL WIN EVERYDAY.

You are doing great,

Emma x


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